How Has Sports Technology Changed Basketball?

The game of basketball has changed drastically since its inception over 125 years ago. Most of these changes revolve around the rules and regulations of the game, but since sports technology has entered the arena, improvements to the game are more...

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Improve Your Shooting With At-Home Drills

The off-season came earlier than we expected in 2020 and unfortunately cut postseason play short. Fortunately, doing what we love - playing basketball and improving our shot - can still be done effectively while practicing social distancing as...

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What is a Shooting Machine?

A shooting machine is usually a piece of equipment installed on or around a hoop to help players get more repetition. Shooting machines like the Gun or Dr. Dish rebound and distribute the ball to the player, allowing for more shots in a quicker...

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Noah User Spotlight: Hope College

The Hope College Men’s and Women’s Basketball programs adopted the Noah Basketball technology last September, prior to their 2019-20 season. Men’s Head Coach Greg Mitchell first heard of Noah years ago at a coaching clinic in Lansing, MI and...

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