By tracking hundreds of millions of shots, measuring arc, depth, and left/right positioning, we cracked the equation revealing the perfect metrics of your shot.
The Science
of Shooting

The chart to the left shows make percentage by entry angle for millions of shots. Maximize your make percentage by shooting with an entry angle of 45°

The chart to the right shows make percentage by shot depth for millions of shots. You can see the highest make percentage is centered around 11” deep in the basket—2” past the center. Strive for a mix of swish and B.R.A.D. (Back Rim and Down) shots centered around 11” deep to maximize your make percentage.

The chart to the left shows make percentage by left/right deviation for millions of shots. Nothing surprising here—shooting the ball straight will result in a higher make percentage. Strive to keep the ball in the Splashzone (±3”) to minimize misses caused by left/right misalignment.
The Perfect Shot
Noah has spent years utilizing data from millions of shots to develop the formula for the perfect shot