Noah Basketball Launches NEW Community Website!

Dear Noah Instant Customers, 

The Noah Basketball Community website, along with the new version of the MyNoah app is now available. You can download the app in the Apple App Store and the community website can be viewed at And it is all completely free!! Just search for “MyNoah” in the app store and you will see “MyNoah V3”. If you are searching the app store on an ipad, you will need to search iphone apps, as opposed to ipad apps. VERY IMPORTANT: When you launch the app for the very first time, you have to be connected to the internet.

MyNoah Basketball AppThe new app is very different than the old app and has significantly more capabilities. With the new app you can enter teams and player names and there are no limits to the number of teams or players.  Also, and very importantly, the new app has the ability to upload all your sessions to our new community website. On the community website, you can connect with your friends much like you do on Facebook and Twitter. Within the site, you can connect to your friends and teammates, view your progress, view session history, and check out the leaderboards. A coach can go to the community website and add all his or her players to their team and be able to view all of the team data in one place on the site.  Likewise, a parent can create an account on the community website and connect to their kids so they too can view the data and track progress.  The community website is optimized for the latest generation of web browsers, so if you have not downloaded the latest version, please do so.

Since the launch is today, there is currently very little data in the system, so it will take a little while to populate the leaderboards. Please connect your device to the internet and sync your data on a regular basis and keep looking back to see where you rank!

There are a couple of capabilities in the new app that won’t function until your Noah Instant system has been upgraded. The software upgrade is free, but you may be required to purchase a new router and wireless adapter depending on the age of your system. We hope to have the Instant upgrade out to you in the next couple of weeks. With the new upgrade, you will be able to record and play back a shot from your ipad or iphone. You will also be able to mute the Instant system from your app so you can shoot a no feedback session without having to manually turn the volume knob down. And there is a new Noah IQ test which is a terrific way to measure your level of muscle memory training.

We rushed the launch of the app and community website because we knew so many of you wanted to use the app and site this summer. Our development team is standing by to address any issues that you may discover in the app or on the site. We have established 2 email addresses that I will personally be monitoring. If you have a question or issue regarding the MyNoah app, please email us at Likewise, if you have a question or issue regarding the Community website, please email us You can also call your Noah Sales Rep or call our office at 1-888-TRY-NOAH.

Please, please, please give us your feedback!!


John Carter, CEO